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You're {{ getCurrentAge() }} years old and your current gross salary is £{{ numeralify(salary) }}. Your current pension is £{{ numeralify(existingFund) }} and you intend to retire at {{ retirementAge }} years old. You wish to take a {{ tfcpercent }}% tax free cash lump sum which roughly is £{{ numeralify(taxFreeCash( calculatedRetirementFunds ).toFixed(0)) }}. Your current monthly contribution is £{{ numeralify(pcont + econt) }} which £{{ numeralify(pcont) }} is from you and £{{ numeralify(econt) }} is from your employer.

Is this enough?

Most people need a retirement income which is about two thirds of their salary. For you, this is £{{ numeralify(twoThirdsSalary().toFixed(0)) }} per year.

Estimated pension pot at retirement £{{ numeralify(calculatedRetirementFunds.toFixed(0)) }}
Desired tax free lump sum £{{ numeralify(taxFreeCash( calculatedRetirementFunds ).toFixed(0)) }}
Estimated annual income £{{ numeralify(yearlyIncome.toFixed(0)) }}
Increase Contributions Delay Retirement Delay Contributions
£{{ numeralify(increaseContEstimatedPension.toFixed(0)) }} £{{ numeralify(delayRetirementEstimatedPension.toFixed(0)) }} £{{ numeralify(delayContEstimatedPension.toFixed(0)) }}
£{{ numeralify(increaseContTaxFree.toFixed(0)) }} £{{ numeralify(delayRetirementTaxFree.toFixed(0)) }} £{{ numeralify(delayContTaxFree.toFixed(0)) }}
£{{ numeralify(increaseContYearlyIncome.toFixed(0)) }} £{{ numeralify(delayRetirementYearlyIncome.toFixed(0)) }} £{{ numeralify(delayContYearlyIncome.toFixed(0)) }}

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